In the last year, we have looked back to the past and prepared a review of work and activities implemented as part of the Gripworld.

The document includes the most important activities of Continental in the Adriatic region in recent years. We selected the best practices, emphasized platforms that were the carriers of individual actions and key activities on individual events. It was beautiful and fun and sometimes very demanding. But noting beautiful comes easy.

Searching interesting stories and suitable collaborations is not always an easy task; however, it is crucial that we find the right partners to spread the message of the brand.

Check out the entire document HERE.

We firmly stand behind providing the best grip for you. In the car, on the bike or while running. This is why we believe in our products and, at the same time, spread awareness of sharing the road, while being careful of all the players involved and following the rules.

We hope that this collection of the most interesting activities represents our work in the previous period. We will try to make the next five years at least as active and successful as the past ones!


#ShareTheRoad #GetTheGrip #GetYourGrip